


  • Today's word

    what are  you  going to do? ワーダア ヤ  ガナ  ドウ 米人にこれを使ってみた! 即、反応した....しかし、 これは、slangだから。。。。。 slangがいっぱいあることに 気づいた!

    nice! 3
  • My friend Facebook Cited

    Watching someone you love, that has fought so hard to beat addiction, throw everything away and sink back onto a life that will most likely lead to j... 続きをみる

    nice! 2
  • The study which is English aiming at an overseas move from 63 years old

    How do you do, I aim at an overseas move from today, and it's English, I'd like to study.

    nice! 1